8 Best Hunting Dog Breeds for Indian Terrain and Climate
Rajapalayam, Mudhol Hound and Rampur Hound are best hunting dog breeds of Indian Terrain and climate. A hunting dog is a canine working animal specifically bred and used for hunting game animals. Game animals include anything from feathered game birds to large and ferocious mammals. The purpose of having a hunting dog is to assist the hunter in locating, chasing and sometimes retrieving game.
Popular Hunting Dog Breeds in India
Mudhol Hound
Rampur Hound
Sarail Hound or Soriala Greyhound
Bully Kutta
History and Origin
The history of rajapalayam connects back to Tamil Nadu, where it was also known as the polygar hound. It has been believed that rajapalayam was bred to hunt down the wild boar. The written history of the rajapalayam dates back from 1529 to 1736, during the rule of the Nayak Dynasty.
Physical Characteristics
Rajapalayam dogs have a very beautiful physical appearance, reddish nose, whiptail, golden-yellow eyes and knob ears. The physical characteristics of a rajapalaym are related to a thoroughbred horse, such as a deep chest and straight and long legs. The bones of rajapalayam are very heavy, and their muzzles are very broad. 1
Hunting Capabilities
Rajapalayam have a muscular body, heavier bones and a deep chest, which explains the wonderful hunting abilities of this dog. This dog has a very strong instinct to hunt. Rajapalayam are known for their endurance and perseverance, as they are able to maintain a consistent pace over long distances. While not the fastest in comparison to other breeds, they have a great amount of stamina. Their intense prey drives instinctively make them chase the prey and hunt him down. 2
Mudhol Hound
History and Origin
Mudhol hound is one of the sighthound breeds that is found in the Indian subcontinent. The Raja of Mudhol state is credited for promoting this dog in his state. Mudhol raja is renowned for reviving this dog in the town by using mudhole for hunting. On his visit to England, he presented a bunch of mudholes to King George V.
This breed is also known as a caravan hound. There are two registration authorities in India, the kennel club of India and the Indian national kennel club. The Indian national kennel club registers this dog as a mudhole hound, whereas the kennel club of India registers this dog as a caravan hound. 3
Physical Characteristics
This dog has a beautiful and perfect appearance for a hunting dog. The long nose, broad head, long and curvy body, strong legs, and muscular structure describes its excellent hunting abilities. They have triangular-shaped ears that sit high on the sides. In addition, these ears face forward on the sides, giving a beautiful shape to the face. Their long whiplike tail is one of the characteristic appearances of mudhole hounds.
Hunting Capabilities
The hunting capabilities of mudholes were very famous that the army desired to use this dog for surveillance and protection. Mudholes Dogs can be utilized effectively for counter-terrorism purposes. After proper training, these canines are capable of recognizing suspicious individuals in a crowd as well as detecting explosives and illicit substances. Mudholes are natural predators and possess excellent instinctive skills related to patrolling, hunting and guarding. 4
Rampur Hound
History and Origin
This dog finds its history back into the reign of the Nawab of Rampur. The Nawab wanted these dogs to be exceptional hunters, fast, stalwart and strong. Due to their famous hunting abilities, these dogs were kept by the royalty of India and, Maharajas, where they gained enough popularity.
Physical Characteristics
Rampur hound is famous for their aerodynamic and thin body that reaches two feet height at withers. They are fairly long dogs and are featured as the representatives of sighthound dogs. Their skull is somewhat narrow, and their muzzle is somewhat tapered. Their eyes come in oval shapes and in a variety of colors.
Hunting Capabilities
The Rampur Hounds were renowned for their abilities in jackal control, as favored by the Maharajahs. Additionally, these impressive hounds have been documented to take down large felines like tigers, lions, leopards, and panthers. With their long strides and extra focus on endurance, Rampur Hounds can cover vast distances quickly - making it the perfect solution for specialized hunting needs. 5
Sarail Hound or Soriala Greyhound
History and Origin
These dogs find their history back during the reigns of Moghuls in India. The generals of Moghul are supposed to breed this dog for hunting purposes. After years and years of breeding, these dogs were bred into superior hunting dogs.
Physical Characteristics
Sarail Hounds are medium heightened, with their withers reaching almost two feet high. They have long bones and a streamlined body. It helps in an effective chase against prey.
Hunting Capabilities
Sarail hounds have established themselves as versatile working dogs due to their superior vision and superior hunting abilities. The military, police forces, and private security companies alike recognize the value of these canines, whose natural ability makes them effective guardians and faithful protectors. 6
Bully Kutta
History and Origin
Bully kutta also known as Indian mastiff is a type of dog breed that originated in the Indian subcontinent. The history of this dog breed is dated back to the 16th century when it was bred as a working and hunting dog. This dog is popular in the Punjab regions of India and Pakistan.
Physical Characteristics
This is a large-sized dog with it’s wither reaching as high as 33 inches. It has a bulky skull which often makes people fearful of this dog. The legs are heavy and strong.
Hunting Capabilities
They are very muscular and have high endurance. You can use Bully Kutta as hunting and guard dog. Their bite force is remarkable. Once they capture prey, it becomes rarely possible for the prey to leave safe and sound.
Lesser-Known Hunting Dog Breeds in India
History and Origin
Kanni dogs are relevant to the traditions of small villages. Their origin is traced back to southern India. This dog was famous in marriages where the brides were meant to keep the dogs for their protection. Kanni was known for their strong loyalty to his owner. 7
Physical Characteristics
They are medium-sized dogs with strong jaws, straight heads, black noses and golden eyes. Their abdomens are tucked up; ears are flat, maybe erect, and may be dropping. Their height at Withers is 25-29 inches.
Hunting Capabilities
Kanni dogs have the speciality of hunting Indian hares. The unique traits of Kanni dogs are their speed and endurance. Along with it, they have an excellent sense of smell and sight. They can be trained to read the subtle signals of their masters while hunting. These hounds have speed of 60Km/hour.
History and Origin
Their history can be traced back to thousands of years. It is believed that they have been the relative of Saluki, which is believed to be the ancestor of all sighthounds of India. In the Tamil Nadu, these dogs were bred to hunt almost everything imaginable. 8
Physical Characteristics
Their skull looks powerful, having a longer muzzle. Their ears are quite rare; sometimes, they are enormous, and sometimes they are very small. The typical appearance of their coat is dark cream or reddish brown. Sometimes their coat is tinged with silver, grey, or black.
Hunting Capabilities
These small-sized dogs have much more endurance than other dogs of the same family. Often possessing hunting instincts that rely on both sight and smell, Chippiparai is equipped with a variety of skills. These are better suited to thrive in heat than others, making them ideal for hunting in areas with more temperature.
History and Origin
These dogs find their history and origin along the east coast of India, west Bengal and Tamil Nadu. In addition, a large population of joining is found in Andhra Pradesh. This breed is not recognized by Indian kennel clubs, but you can see these dogs in local festivals. 9
Physical Characteristics
Jonangi is a medium-sized dog with a broad skull. Their legs are strong and heavy. The body is aerodynamic to facilitate high-speed chase. The typical coat colours are brown and grey, sometimes freckled.
Hunting Capabilities
These dogs are duck hunters. The fishermen of the region bred these dogs for their original purpose: hunting and protection. These loyal companions consistently proved their worth, making them a valuable asset to the community. The small size and less weight facilitate agility and longer chase. Their prey instinct and the right training to hunt make them a good choice for a hunting dog.
Training and Care of Hunting Dog Breeds in India
Training Techniques
Exercise and Diet Requirements
Health Concerns
Training Techniques
Hunting dogs in India are typically trained using a combination of verbal commands and hand signals. The most common commands used are “sit,” “stay,” “come,” and “heel.” Dogs can also be trained to retrieve game birds or to flush out prey from hiding spots. Your dog should be trained to play cool to gunshot sounds. The most important thing to remember when training hunting dogs is to be consistent. In addition, your dog must learn to locate things. Retrieve games are very helpful for your dog to hunt. Your dog should participate in hunting training in your area. AKC offers retriever field trials and hunting tests to check if your dog is ready to hunt. 10
Exercise and Diet Requirements
Hunting dog breeds are active dogs and need regular exercise. A minimum of two walks or runs per day is recommended for these active breeds.
K9 Rocks states that a good diet for a hunting dog should high in protein and fat to provide energy. Optimal hunting performance for dogs requires calorie control. A dog needs about 1,500 calories for a day of light activity, and up to 5,000 calories during long days with heavier exercise. While do not give your dog more than a handful of food in order to maintain endurance – but make sure they take regular breaks to replenish water supplies and prevent overexertion. 11
Health Concerns
The most common diseases that affect hunting dogs are Lyme disease, fungal infections, parasitic infections, rabies, and heartworm. Lyme disease is transmitted by ticks and can cause a range of symptoms including fever, lameness, and joint pain. Rabies is a virus that is transmitted through the bite of an infected animal and is fatal if left untreated. Heartworm is a parasitic worm that is spread by mosquitoes and can cause lung and heart damage in dogs. 12
Which dog is best for hunting in India?
The Rajapalayam is the best dog for hunting in India. With its athletic build, sharp senses, and loyal nature, the Rajapalayam is an excellent hunting companion. It is also relatively easy to train, making it a good choice for hunters of all experience levels. Mudhol Hound or Rampur Hound is also great hunting dog breeds of India. These dogs are easily available in India and other parts of the world. You can easily contact the local breeders to get you one.